The CPI “PLUS FACTOR” Newsletter
- CMAA Newsletter [pdf] Loy says, “As a sole proprietor and a CCM, I actually work on every project…the owner gets the benefit of my 35 years’ experience directly, not through two or three layers of employees between me and the project.”
- Spring 2011 [pdf] CPI 2011 Experience the difference!
- Fall 2008 [pdf] How do we build better schools in the 21st Century? The answer is a CCM – Certified Construction Manager.
- Spring 2007 [pdf] Construction
Plus showcases Grace Christian Academy, and our residential masterpiece for
the Haskel Estate - Winter 2004 [pdf] Construction Plus showcases schools work at annual TSBA meeting
- Fall 2003 [pdf] Construction Plus completing five East Tennessee Schools / CPI supports Boys
and Girls Club of the Tennessee Valley / Beating the percentages: How Construction
Plus saves money for clients - Fall 2002 [pdf] Construction Today: Design-Build, What makes it work? What makes it fail?
- Spring 2002 [pdf] Construction Today: All Construction Management is not equal Part II
- Fall 2001 [pdf] Construction Today: All Construction Management is not equal part I
- Spring 2001 [pdf] Construction Today: Should it be in your future?
- Fall 2000 [pdf] Construction Today: Is it possible to build a construction project hassle-free?
- Spring 2000 [pdf] Construction Today: Horror stories – What can happen if you select the wrong contractor
- Fall 1999 [pdf] Construction Today: Change orders…can you control their impact on your bottom line?
- Winter 1999 [pdf] Construction Today: Quality, Cost or Time — Which are most important to you?